Animal Breeders

Code: 45-2021.00

Description : Select and breed animals according to their genealogy, characteristics, and offspring. May require knowledge of artificial insemination techniques and equipment use. May involve keeping records on heats, birth intervals, or pedigree.

JobTitles : Breeder, Dog Breeder, Animal Technician, Artificial Insemination Technician (AI Technician), Breeding Manager, Broodmare Foreman, Stallion Manager, Cat Breeder, Cattery Operator, Equine Breeder

  • Feed and water animals, and clean and disinfect pens, cages, yards, and hutches.
  • Examine animals to detect symptoms of illness or injury.
  • Place vaccines in drinking water, inject vaccines, or dust air with vaccine powder to protect animals from diseases.
  • Select animals to be bred, and semen specimens to be used, according to knowledge of animals, genealogies, traits, and desired offspring characteristics.
  • Treat minor injuries and ailments and contact veterinarians to obtain treatment for animals with serious illnesses or injuries.
  • Observe animals in heat to detect approach of estrus and exercise animals to induce or hasten estrus, if necessary.
  • Record animal characteristics such as weights, growth patterns, and diets.
  • Exhibit animals at shows.
  • Build hutches, pens, and fenced yards.
  • Clip or shear hair on animals.